The Abbey Multi-Family Development Under Construction on Haywood Road
Jul 06, 2023 11:03AM ● By Angelia Davis
Photos by David Dykes
By Angelia Davis
A 252-unit multi-family development is expected to fill the mostly vacant commercial site at Haywood Road and Transit Drive.
A representative of Atlanta-based Arris Greenville LLC submitted an application for development called The Abbey in early 2022.
Arris purchased the more than 15-acre site across from Harbor Inn Cajun Seafood restaurant and Spinx in 2019, according to Greenville County Real Property.
A preliminary site plan dated October 2019 and submitted to the city shows seven residential buildings, a clubhouse, a swimming pool, parking spaces and a space marked “private garages.” A rendering of The Abbey shows three-story buildings, fronted by greenery, trees, and sidewalk along Haywood Road.
The City of Greenville Planning Commission approved the project at its May 19, 2023, meeting, according to minutes.
Site grading and some building permits were issued for the development earlier this year, according to city reports.
According to the application for The Abbey, the units will be market rate and have no age restrictions.
Arris Greenville LLC could not be reached for comment.
The average rent in Greenville is $1,388 according to Verdae, an area defined by RentCafe that encompasses The Abbey site, has listings where the average rent is $1, 412.